В 2013-2014 годах в издательстве электронных книг Animedia Company были изданы две красочно иллюстрированные книги для детей автора Алексея Лукшина в переводе на английский язык. В настоящее время готовится к изданию еще несколько книг.
Представляем вам, уважаемые читатели, эти книги.
«Fairy Tales For and About Kids», by Alexei Lukshin
Unlike the tales that took place in the fairy forest, these tales take place in the streets of major cities. The main characters in these tales are children who experience difficulties and challenges in their lives but ultimately reach happy conclusions as they learn important life lessons.
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Иллюстрации из книги:
«Tales of The Friendly Forest», by Alexei Lukshin
“Tales of The Friendly Forest” is a colorfully illustrated collection of fairy tales for children. The book contains ten instructive fairy stories about the adventures of kind and funny inhabitants of the forest: the traveling Hedgehog, the hare Turbo, the wolf Straight Tail and other great beasts. These tales teach the children friendship, humanity and respect to each other, the ability to perceive everything in positive manner and create good mood.
Полистать книгу на Google Books, официальная страница книги на сайте издательства Animedia Company.
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3 года 42 недели ago